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3GPP Mobile Communications Solutions


The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is a collaborative effort between several global telecommunications standards bodies to develop and maintain technical specifications for 3rd Generation mobile systems and beyond.

The data confidentiality and integrity algorithms currently defined to provide data security within the 3GPP specifications are based on three underlying encryption algorithms; KASUMI, SNOW3G, and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Helion can provide highly efficient IP cores for these algorithms in a range of technologies as detailed below.


KASUMI is a 64-bit block cipher which uses a 128-bit key. It forms the basis of the confidentiality (f8 or UEA1) and integrity (f9 or UIA1) algorithms which provide data security for signalling and user data within the GSM, GPRS, EDGE and UMTS standards.

Helion provides KASUMI-based IP cores to perform the f8 (UEA1) and f9 (UIA1) algorithms. The f8 core can also support the GSM A5/3 and GPRS GEA3 encryption algorithms. They are available in versions for use in ASIC, as well as Altera and Xilinx FPGA. In common with all Helion IP cores they have been designed with each technology firmly in mind to yield the most efficient results. For more detailed information on these cores, please download the appropriate datasheet by selecting your chosen target technology from the table below:

ASIC (0.13um) >900 Mbps 7-10k gates
Altera Arria IIGX >800 Mbps 897 ALMs
Altera Stratix IV >800 Mbps 882 ALMs
Xilinx Spartan 6 >300 Mbps 274 slices
Xilinx Virtex 6 >800 Mbps 275 slices

SNOW3G is a stream cipher which uses a 128-bit Key and IV. It provides the basis for the UEA2 confidentiaility and UIA2 integrity algorithms introduced in 3GPP Release 7 to provide data security for signalling and user data within the UMTS standard. Subsequently, in 3GPP Release 8, the 128-EEA1 confidentiality and 128-EIA1 integrity algorithms (which are identical to UEA2 and UIA2 respectively) were introduced for use within the LTE standard.

Helion provide SNOW3G IP cores which are available in versions for use in Altera and Xilinx FPGA. In common with all Helion IP cores they have been designed with each technology firmly in mind to yield the most efficient results. For more detailed information on these cores, please download the appropriate datasheet by selecting your chosen target technology from the table below:

ASIC (0.13um) Coming soon Coming soon
Altera Arria IIGX >8000 Mbps 662 ALMs
Altera Stratix IV >9000 Mbps 685 ALMs
Xilinx Spartan 6 >5000 Mbps 159 slices
Xilinx Virtex 6 >13000 Mbps 163 slices

3GPP Release 8 introduced confidentiality and integrity algorithms based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128-bit block cipher with 128-bit key size to provide data security within LTE networks. The 128-EEA2 confidentiality algorithm uses AES in Counter mode (specified in NIST SP800-38A) and the 128-EIA2 integrity algorithm uses AES in Cipher-based MAC (CMAC) mode (specified in NIST SP800-38B). Helion has a range of product proven AES IP cores which can support these cipher modes for a range of data throughputs, please see our AES pages or contact Helion for more details.

128-EEA2 AES-128-CTR
128-EIA2 AES-128-CMAC

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